Say 'hello' to my new best friend/worst enemy for the next 6 weeks...That's right a postpartum girdle.
I would be honest if I were to say I am a little vain. I feel most people are. As much as I have enjoyed these last 3 days of eating anything/everything my hear desires--where my tummy cannot only hold the deliciousness in, but I don't have any side affects or nausea--it is time to get back to the real world and work on getting my body back.
During pregnancy I didn't gain a lot of weight and I have not weighed my post pregnancy self yet (I will do that next week)--No one likes to weigh themselves. For the next 6 weeks I am committing myself to a reasonable diet plan (since I cannot work out). I will be eating 6 small meals a day--Audrey got put on an eating plan yesterday by the doctor, so I am now on an eating plan too (her feeding schedule is convenient for the both of us).
Goals/ Things I Need:
-6 small meals a day (pre-planned)--My lovely husband went grocery shopping for me yesterday :)
-8 Glasses of water a day
-A supportive husband (this one is the hardest--not that my husband isn't supportive, he just doesn't like to see me unhappy and we are a family who thoroughly enjoys going out to eat)--to compromise I am giving myself 1 day off a week--A date night for us to go out and indulge.
The biggest obstacle I face is this runs right into HOLIDAY SEASON (talk about the best 2 months of food choices for the year)...
I have bought myself a pair of these for motivation (let's hope they are still in style when I can actually wear them).
Here's to the next 6 weeks--wish me luck :)
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