Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1 Week...

Audrey is 1 week old today, and the time has flown by (I think this is partly due to the fact my days and nights all merge into 1.

Dad went back to work yesterday and was sad to do so (we were sad to see him leave).

Over the past week we have had downs and our ups. We had a few little scares and ended up seeing a doctor or going to the hospital pretty much everyday up until Sunday (including Sunday). We will go again on Thursday, but at least on Thursday it is a 'normal' visit--get her stats, second PKU, etc.

Overall, Audrey is a happy baby--she sleeps fairly well, and I have her on a schedule of eating every 3 hours. We love having her in our lives!

  • Grandma (my mom) has come over and turned our house into a photography studio
  • Audrey met Chase (my dog) and they seemed to hit it off wonderfully
  • She makes a 'turtle' face--this is our favorite
  • She gets hiccups all the time. It made me make the connection that she got hiccups all the time while she was in my tummy--I knew she was moving, but it just felt like a constant heartbeat, turns out they were hiccups
  • She has a smushed nose (but it's getting better)--In every ultrasound picture her hand was in front of her face. Turns out she was sucking on her fist which created a smushed nose and a wrinkle above her eyebrow
  • I love how good my husband is with her--she sleeps with us right now, but I was going to put her in her crib one night and he said that we should probably wait until at least a week (he secretly likes her in bed) :)

I love her so much, and I couldn't be happier! My husband and I were discussing what we thought she would look like before she was born. I was a cute baby, my husband was not--he has really dark hair, but was born blonde, he has really defined features, but was a pretty 'hefty' baby. Overall, I decided I wanted Audrey to have my nose, my shape of eyes, my texture of hair. I wanted her to have my husband's color of eyes (blue), and my husband's color of hair (dark brown). Overall, looking at her, granted she is only a week old, I think we got what we wished for (she has my husbands lips).

I think Audrey is the prettiest baby I've ever seen (which is saying a lot since I'm not a 'baby' person)--but I am partial to her.

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